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School Nurse

If you would like to talk to the school nurse about anything in confidence, please ring 01623 435522. If no one answers then please leave a message with your name and telephone number and the nurse will ring you back.

NHS Guide to Treating Headlice

NHS Guide to Symptoms, Cause and Treating Threadworms

NHS Guide to Chickenpox Advice on what to look for, treatment and when to come back to school

NHS Guide to Scarlet Fever


Flu Immunisations for all School-Aged Children on 8th November 2023

All children in Reception, Y1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 will be offered their annual flu immunisation (given via a spray in the nostril) on 8th November 2023.  Please use the link below to let the health team know if you would or would not like your child to receive this in school.  The link also gives a telephone number and email address for you to use if you have any questions about the immunisation.