Choosing a Nursery
All nurseries are slightly different, some take children from the age of three whilst others, particularly private nurseries, can take children from almost any age.
Whilst we've tried to be accurate in relation to the general information provided here, it is most pertinent to Peafield Lane Nursery. If you have any questions then please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll do our very best to help.
Nurseries in general
Parents have the right to apply for a place in any nursery they like. It is important, however that you find out precisely which services they offer as all are different. The private Nurseries, such as Cherub's in Mansfield Woodhouse and Shaping Futures in Warsop tend to be much more flexible than school based Nurseries in how and when children can attend although you will usually have to generate a contract specifying precisely which days and times you want. Whilst they can be expensive, many parents can apply for financial support.
Information on finding financial support for childcare is available here:
There are advantages and disadvantage to each type of nursery education:
Private specialist Nurseries have greater flexibility and you can agree a contract for children to attend on the days you choose and from much younger age.
School based nurseries have the advantage of preparing children to work in the school based environment with policies, practice and staffing that ensure a consistent approach to learning throughout the primary school phase.
Free Entitlement
All children from the age of 3 are entitled to 15 hours a week of FREE nursery education for 39 weeks a year (i.e. school term times). You can take this allocation from any nursery you attend.
School Nurseries offer each child the core allocation of 15 hours and are therefore seen as being 'free'.
In Private nurseries you will usually pay for any time over the 15 hours as well as any weeks over the 39 weeks of free allocation although, again, all private nurseries differ so it is important to phone them and ask for their individual policies. Prices for private nurseries vary considerably.
Many families are also entitled to a further 15 hours (30 in total). Typically these are families where both parents work and earn less than £100k. For a more detailed explanation and to find out whether or not you are eligible for 30 hours of Free nursery provision click here
Peafield Lane Nursery
At Peafield Lane we have a 78 place nursery. We take up to 39 children each morning and 39 each afternoon. Places are offered according to the same criteria as the primary school admissions policy, i.e. priority given to children with siblings in school, then who live in the catchment area, with any extra spaces offered on a 'first come - first served' basis.
We take children from the term after their third birthday and offer 15 or 30 hours, depending upon eligibility and spaces available, of free nursery education each week:
every day from 8:40am - 11:40am
every day from 12:20pm - 3:20pm
Children who receive 30hrs attend both sessions. Those who are entitled to 15hrs get to choose from either five morning or five afternoon sessions.
If you are interested in a place at Peafield Lane Nursery then please phone us on 01623 460366 and arrange to come for a visit or for an application for to be sent. You can also download an application for a nursery place at the bottom of this page.
It is important to note that whilst the school controls applications for Nursery, the Local Authority arranges applications for main school. Attendance at Nursery is completely separate and does not guarantee an offer of a place in full time education in main school.