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Safeguarding our pupils is paramount at Peafield Lane. Our aim is that all pupils feel safe and secure, in a nurturing and valued environment. We recognise that young people can be vulnerable in a number of ways and that the dangers in the online world are as much a threat as those in the real world. We have ensured that our staff understand what makes some children and adults more vulnerable to certain risk factors; how to recognise the signs of somebody at risk; and what to do if they have a cause for concern.

We will ensure that any changes in behaviour or patterns of attendance are identified quickly and that appropriate action is taken swiftly and is proportionate to the level of concern. We will work with the whole school community to ensure all our stakeholders understand our wider safeguarding responsibilities and work in partnership with us to keep our pupils safe. We work hard with many other agencies to ensure all of our pupils remain safe and can reach their potential. 

On this page, you will find links to some key documents and advice in support of safeguarding. All staff and governors are trained in safeguarding and child protection; follow the school's safeguarding policy (which can be found in the policies section of this website) and are committed to the principles outlined in 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'.

If something is worrying you at home or school there is always someone to talk to.We have a dedicated team who are trained in dealing with safeguarding concerns. Should you have a concern about a child then please contact either: 

Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs A Commins (Headteacher)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads - Mrs J Chadburn (Deputy Head Teacher), Mrs L Green (Teaching Assistant) and Miss N Trolley (SENDCO)

Our DSL team can be contacted by email on: [email protected] or telephone on: 01623460366 

If you are unable to make contact or feel more comfortable, you can talk to any member of staff in school about your concerns or worries.

Don't keep it inside - talk about it!

Childline phone number 0800 1111

A new helpline has been set up by the NSPCC for anyone who has experienced sexual harassment or abuse in education. 

The link is here

If you see anything online that concerns you, then you can report this directly to CEOP:



NSPCC - Different Types of Abuse (bullying, neglect, physical, emotional, sexual, grooming, domestic, FGM)

NSPCC - Support for Parents ( Parenting, tantrums, racism,separation & divorce, mental health, alcohol & drugs, PANTS, difficult topics)

NSPCC - Keeping Children Safe (at home, away from home, online, mental health, drugs & alcohol, sex and relationships, support for parents)

NSPCC - PANTS The Underwear Rule

Online Safety

NSPCC - Keeping Children Safe Online

On-line safety - A guide for parents

A Parent's Guide to Sexting

Parent Zone - A Parent's Guide to Gaming

Link to website with advice about apps children frequently use and their suitability

Link to Childnet - Help, advice and resources for parents and carers regarding internet safety


Below are some of our key safeguarding policies and some other useful guidance/ information for our families. Additional safeguarding policies can also be found on our policies page: